Content, Briefly

Episode 11 - Forget The Funnel: Gia Laudi's Masterclass On Knowing Your Customers

Jimmy Daly
May 29, 2023

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On this episode, Gia Laudi, CEO and Founder of Forget the Funnel joins Jimmy to explore customer leads, retention and metrics.

Based in Quebec, Canada, Gia is a Product Marketing & Growth Advisor, Fractional Leader, and Author & Co-creator of the Customer-Led Growth Framework. Forget the Funnel helps SaaS marketing and growth leaders get out of the weeds, build airtight customer-led strategies, and create revenue-generating outcomes.

Today, Jimmy and Gia go down the rabbit hole of how marketing teams can know for sure if they're marketing to the right customer—and if not, what they can do to change that. From homepages to directed content, the two explore how marketing teams can utilize metrics from other areas of the company to fine tune their approach.

You can connect with Gia on LinkedIn here and learn more about Forget the Funnel by heading to their website.

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