The $100k Club

Want to join the $100k club?

Jimmy Daly
January 6, 2021

The $100k Club is an anonymous interview series where we learn from content marketers making at least $100,000 per year.

We're always looking for new folks to contribute. If you're interested, please read these quick guidelines, then fill out the form below.

  • We are looking for take-home pay. This does not include benefits like insurance and health stipends, nor does it include freelance revenue generated by subcontractors. We'd still like to hear from you as long your pre-tax take-home pay is $100,000 or more.
  • Anecdotes, context, tips and specific salary information are very helpful. Check out these previous posts as examples of what we're looking for: One-person writing business earning $120,000/year and Director of Content Marketing with a $110,000 salary.
  • This is anonymous, so please don't name specific people or companies that would reveal your identity.

Okay, ready? Just fill out this form.

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